No,your Iver johnson Model 57 Target was not chambered for the 22 WMR caliber.
Your Iver Johnson Target model 55 was made from 1955-1960.
I can say that the Iver johnson target model small frame(,22cal)was made from 1925-1928.The iver johnson target large frame(.22cal)was made from 1921-1941.
I can only say that the Iver Johnson model 57A target was made from 1955-1975.
I might be able to help with your question .... "How old is and Iver Johnson 22 model 55 A ? . I purchased a new in 44 years ago in June of 1963.
The original manufacture of the Iver Johnson Model 55 Target pistol maybe able to provide an owners manual. The manual will have instructions on what is need to maintain the product.
Iver Johnson never kept production fiqures by year,so the exact year would be hard to say.I can say that the model 55 target was produced from 1955-1984.
1955 - 1974
I can say that the Iver Johnson model 55 was made from 1955-1960.
All that I can say is the Iver Johnson Model 1900 was made from 1900-1941.The Model 1900 Target small frame from 1925-1928,and the large frame model 1900 Target from 1921-1941.I do not know if Iver Johnson kept records of serial number by year?With a serial number that low,I would safely assume that it was made in the first 4 years of production.1900-1904.
Value of iver johnson 8 shot 22 caliber pistol
iver johbson 11624x