

Why is a machete not a sword?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Many reasons:

A machete is not a sword because it isn't harmonically/dynamically balanced like one, is made for a different purpose, is thinner, lacks a guard and pommel, and is usually a different profile.

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Q: Why is a machete not a sword?
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A machete.

Is a machete a sword?

its like one but its really a knife

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a machete

What is a machete?

A machete is a sword-like tool most commonly used for cutting large plants with a chopping motion.

What is too short to be a sword and too long to be a knife?

A machete.

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He has a gun, knife, baseball bat, sword, lightsaber, machete, or a poison apple. And that, is a fact.

What is machet?

A machete is a sword-like tool most commonly used for cutting large plants with a chopping motion.

Is a machete better than a Japanese sword?

Either can be "better" than the other, depending on what it is used for. If you are harvesting the agave cactus to make mescal or cutting your way through a jungle, the machete is better. If you are in hand-to-hand combat, a Japanese sword (katana) is probably better, as long as you are trained to use it correctly and effectively.

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A rapier is a long, slim, straight, two-edged sword, whereas a cutlass is a short, heavier constructed single-edged sword more like a machete.

What weapon does Thersh take in the Beginning of the Hunger Games?

Thresh took a curved sword. That i would think is a machete called a "kukri."

How are swords used?

Well, it depends on th technique you are using and the kind of sword it's self. For instence, a machete is a slashing weapon.

What do you call a blade longer than a dagger but shorter than a sword?

A kodachi, a machete, a corn knife, a brush knife, a bayonet.