Especially small, high-velocity 9mm rounds, round nose rounds, and full metal jacket rounds tend to penetrate and create small holes. This can certainly be fatal, but this result is undesirable as lethality is not the goal. Stopping the attack as soon as possible is...
Yes it is.
There were several types of 9mm ammunition made. The most common is the 9x19, also known as 9mm Parabellum or 9mm Luger. If your firearm is marked as any of those, than this is the only type of 9mm ammunition it can facilitate. If you are uncertain about which type of ammo can be used with your firearm, consult a gunsmith.
9mm Highpoint
Maybe a Taurus....
9mm means the firearm shoots a bullet that is about 9 millimeters wide.
Power (within limits) is not a function of the firearm, but of the cartridge fired by that firearm. A 9mm submachinegun is as powerful as another 9mm submachinegun, a .45 as powerful as a .45, etc.
No. While there are several different 9mm cartridges, none of them interchange with a 7.62 cartridge. You need to clarify your question- there is no such cartridge as a 7.62 9mm. There are 7.62 pistols, but 9mm is a caliber, not a type of firearm.
Most common in 1/9
using a 9mm or anyform of firearm. Just aim for their cranium
25-50m depending on the exact firearm involved.
Yes. The 9mm Parabellum cartridge was developed as a military cartridge.Any firearm caliber is capable of killing a human. Even a round as small as a .22 long rifle. You should always exercise caution when handling a firearm.