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Lots of factors need to be taken into account:

* What angle does the bullet strike the object? * What is the mass of the object? If small it will move and absorb the energy. * What is the bullet made of? Does the deformation absorb the energy? * Is the object firmly fixed or movable? * How fast is the bullet moving?

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Q: Why does a bullet ricochet sometimes when you shoot on a metal object with a gun and not always?
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Why is a ricochet produced on firing a bullet?

A ricochet occurs when a bullet hits something it cannot penatrate.

Can a bullet ricochet off frozen ground?

Yes, a bullet can potentially ricochet off frozen ground. When a bullet strikes frozen ground at an angle, it may bounce off unpredictably due to the hardness and uneven surface of the frozen ground. This can create a dangerous situation for anyone in the vicinity.

What does ricochet mean?

ricochet means; that it is the rebound of something. often very loud....

What happens when an unstoppable force comes upon an unmovable object?

Ricochet. Force changes direction.

What is Ricochet meaning?

Ricochet is a term used to describe the action of a projectile rebounding off a surface or object. In everyday language, it can refer to ideas or actions quickly moving from one place or topic to another.

Is a gun bullet a magnetic object?

Most are not.

What is a bullet hit?

In filmmaking, a bullet hit could be described as the special effect that shows the visual result of a bullet hitting something: a human, an object or whatever.

What is bullet trajectory?

The trajectory of a bullet or any object is the Physics word for describing its path.Provided air resistance is ignored, the trajectory of a bullet will resemble a projectile motion path.

What is a bullet penatration kill on cod mw2?

A bullet penetration kill is when you kill someone thru a solid object, like a wall.

Does a small object always have less mass than a larger object?

Not necessarily. The size of an object is not directly proportional to its mass. For example, a small object made of dense material could have more mass than a larger object made of less dense material.

How do you make an object shoot in game maker?

for shooting towards the mouse, there is an event called "global mouse left" in this event, add an action called "create object moving". select the obj_bullet (by now you should have this object created) X:mouse_x, Y:mouse_y ,speed:30 and your done. add enemies with a collision event to the bullet and add destroy instance:self.

How do you find the perimeter of a bullet shaped object?

you get a calculator and learn the correct formula