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Ernst Rohm was the leader of the Nazi SA (Brown Shirts), and Adolf Hitler's most serious rival for control of the National Socialist Party in Germany. After 1934 you don't see photos of the Brown Shirts anymore because Hitler had their leaders killed by Heinrich Himmler's SS (the Night of the Long Knives), including Ernst Rohm who was thrown into a jail cell and then shot. With their leaders dead, the 1.4 million members of the SA were absorbed into other Nazi organizations. Ernst Rohm was basically a brutal thug. He was a lowbrow and unsophisticated working-class Nazi, but I can think of two good things to say about him. One: he went to his death bravely, ripping open his brown shirt to bare his chest for the bullets. And two: although Rohm pushed Nazi-ism on Germany, I think it less probable that he would have tried to push it on Europe, as Hitler did.

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Mertie Ferry

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Jair-Rohm Parker Wells was born on October 13, 1958.

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Jair-Rohm Parker Wells was born on October 13, 1958.

What is the rg mean on the rg 38 s hand gun?

RG is short for "Rohm Gmbh" which essentially is Rohm Ltd. in German. Rohm manufactured inexpensive (and somewhat questionable quality) handguns until 1986.

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$75-$100. The Rohm/ RG handguns were of low quality, and are not well regarded in general.

Why was ernst rohm executed?

It was believed that Rohm was plotting a coup against Hitler. Himmler told Hitler this so he could get rid of Rohm so he could rise through the ranks of the Nazi hierarchy. His execution had nothing to do with his sexuality.