

Who invented the firearm?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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16y ago

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Nobody knows for sure but the Turks invented the musket in the 1350's

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Q: Who invented the firearm?
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Why was the firearm created?

Very generally speaking, the firearm was invented so people could have an advantage when fighting against someone with a sword or spear. With a sword or spear or any other contact weapon, you must be very close to the person you are attacking. With a firearm you can hit an attacker from 20 yards or more away.

What are examples of a firearm?

A shotgun is a firearm. A revolver is a firearm. A pistol is a firearm. A rifle is a firearm. If you want even more specific -- A Remington 1187 is a firearm (shotgun). A Smith and Wesson 686 is a firearm (revolver). A Sig Sauer P226 is a firearm (pistol). A Colt 6920 is a firearm (rifle).

When did Samurai start using guns?

China invented blackpowder in the 9th Century, "Firelances" are recorded as being invented in the 10th century, and the oldest recorded firearm in China, the "handcannon", is dated to be from the 12th century.

Is a sword a firearm?

No, Sword is not a firearm.

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The first true machinegun (that being a repeating firearm capable of continuous fire without external input from the user) was invented by Hiram Maxim and was known as the 'Maxim Gun'. It was created within the British Empire.

What defines a firearm's action?

Design of the firearm