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Q: Which gunmakers mark is two shaking hands?
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What 308 rifle has the manufacture mark of two hands shaking?

Need a DETAILED description of ALL markings.

When you switch on nokia mobile you see two hands shaking whose are those hands?

One is yours and the other is nokia's president and CEO Stephen Elop.

Which force takes place while shaking hands?

The force that takes place while shaking hands is the force of contact between the two hands. This force is created by the pressure exerted by each person's hand against the other person's hand. It is a type of normal force that occurs at the point of contact.

How do you get special ninja tools?

wait for your partner to have two hands shaking ikon that is special ninja tools and the only way to get it is from him/her[partner]

Who is the statesman on the Kentucky flag?

The two friends shaking hands, a pioneer and a statesman, represent all the people. They are acting out the meaning of Kentucky's motto: "United We Stand; Divided We Fall".

What is video stabilisation?

Your hands always shake a little when taking a video. Sometimes you want to film from a moving car, and that makes the picture shake. Shaking video is blurred and not nice at all. In video cameras there are two ways how this shaking of the camera can be corrected: either the camera only records the middle part of the picture, or the actual mechanism moves slightly with the shaking of the camera.

What are some examples of afl football etiquette?

AFL is the Arena Football League. Two examples of AFL football etiquette include not fighting with the referee and shaking hands at the end of the game.

I am seventeen years old and my hands won't stop shaking why is that?

Well there is a disease called scoliopathegan and it affects the persons hands. Whenever he/she either start using there hands or has just finished doing a job with their hands, they will start to uncontrollably shake. This usually ends in the person getting hurt during their job, or getting their hands removed and replaced with fake ones. Usually it results in the latter of the two. Hope that helped!

Is a girl flirting if Girl shakes your hand two hands?

It's possible that the girl is flirting by shaking your hand with two hands, as this gesture can be seen as more intimate and personal than a regular handshake. However, it's important to consider other contextual cues and body language to determine if she is indeed flirting with you.

How many syllables does shaking have?

Two: shake-ing

You have two heads but only one body the more still you stand the faster you run?

This is a clock. The two heads refer to the two hands on a clock face, but the clock's body (base) stays still while the hands move swiftly around it to mark the passage of time.

What has two hands but no feet?

A clock has two hands but no feet.