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Each cartridge could be the more damaging one in specific scenarios. As far as which cartridge generates more force, has a larger crush cavity, and can expand further, the .40.

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Q: Which bullet cause more damage 9mm or 40cal bullet?
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Basically, a rifle is a place to direct the explosion of gunpowder directly to the bullet to increase the efficiency of gunpowder so the bullet can travel faster, and increase the bullet's momentum so it does more damage. The rifle also is used to increase the accuracy of the bullet. By focusing the blast directly behind the bullet, the bullet is more likely to travel in the intended direction. Striations in the rifle also spin the bullet so it corkscrews forward, making the path of the bullet straighter.

In Battlefield Bad Company 2 is there a mode where the bullet damage is realistic?

There is a specialization for more damage, you have to unlock it. I'm pretty sure it comes at about level/rank 17 or 18.

What is relation between caliber of the ammunition and its lethality?

This is really a complication question, however here is a relatively short answer: Caliber refers to the diameter of the bullet fired. If absolutely everything else is equal, a larger caliber will create a larger hole in the target. If the target is a living being/animal, a bigger hole will allow more blood to escape or will cause more damage to the tissue, causing quicker death or incapacitation. In other words, the bigger the hole, the more lethal the shot is likely to be. However, the short version of the much longer answer is, there is much more to it than just that. Muzzle energy is a big part of it also, and a bullet with more muzzle energy will create more damage to the tissue. Also, a hollow point that expands and gets jagged will create more damage than the same size bullet that doesn't expand. Also, it depends on what the bullet damages. Lethality is basically a combination of those three things; how big the hole is, how much damage it causes, and what it damages. In other words, a .22 bullet directly to the heart is much more likely to be lethal than a .45 to the fat roll.

Where did the phrase bite the bullet come from?

Bite the bullet means to do what you have to do, unpleasant as it is, but better in the long run than not doing it. A wounded person without anesthesia might have to endure extreme pain, which could cause him to bite his own tongue or cheeks, causing even more damage on top of whatever had already happened to him. Someone might give him a bullet to bite, so he could focus on it and not bite unpredictably.

Is there invincibility on Call of Duty World At War Wii?

Unfortunitly no :(But there r certin perks that decresses bullet damage and more health