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Gun shop, gun show, want ads. Gun shop, gun shows, internet auction sites, want ads.

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Q: Where to buy a used Remington 3200 magnum?
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What is the value of a Remington 870 Express Combo 12ga Magnum shotgun?

in my area u can buy a new one for around $325

Can you buy a bolt face for Remington 742?

Not new. MAYBE used... but likely with the same problem you have. These guns are junk. Try to sell it or Remington used to buy them back... Sorry... no good news here.

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One has to be at least 18 to buy cigarettes in Italy.

Where can you buy parts for Remington model 770?

Remington, gun shop,

What kind of ammunition do you need for a Remington 700sps 7mm mag?

The caliber of ammunition the rifle uses is usually roll-stamped on the right side of the barrel, just in front of the receiver. For example: if it says "7mm Remington (Rem.) magnum (mag.) you would need to buy that type of ammunition as sold by Remington, Federal or any of the other companies offering this type of ammo in whichever bullet weight you prefer to shoot.

Can you buy magnum ice cream bars in Champaign IL?

A magnum is a gun. I would not suggest eating that.

How much is a used 338 Winchester magnum worth?

Your question needs a little more info before a answer can be rendered.First what type of gun do you intend to buy?Is it a ruger,remington,winchester,savage etc.Second what model number is the gun and what type of firearm are we talking about?A semi-auto rifle,bolt action,and what type of condition is the firearm in.

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April 2007 Cerberos owns Remington, bushmaster, DPMS, and of course Marlin since Remington bought them. Oh and Chrysler ...

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Find an authorized Remington Repair center. You can find a list on Remington's web site.

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Where can I buy a pc 3200 online?

PC 3200 memory can be purchased from online computer and electronics retail sites. One example is Canada Computers & Electronics. They can be found at

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