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Q: Where do I keep a handgun in your car legally in Texas?
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What do you do if stopped with a handgun in your car in Texas?

If you are legally allowed to have it, just tell the officer you have it. They appreciate it. Never LIE to a COP.

Can you carry handgun in your car in Syracuse NY?

You can legally transport it unloaded and inaccessible, but to have it loaded and accessible, you must have a NY handgun carry permit.

Can a non felon drive with a handgun in there car in the state of Texas?

Yes, as long as it's concealed.

Can you carry a gun in a car in Texas?

A person may carry a concealed, loaded handgun without a permit while in or heading directly to a car they own or control.

In Texas if I see someone breaking into my neighbor's car can I legally shoot them possibly killing them?

You can only legally shoot someone in Texas if they are on your property and doing something that breaks the law.

Do you have to have a permit to carry a gun in your car in Texas?

No, reference Texas House bill 1815, which piggybacks on the castle law to include automobiles in Texas. It states that not only is a persons home a "castle", so is your personal car and therfore may be defended if you feel that your life is in danger.

Does a car dealer have to disclose frame damage to a car sold in Texas?

If he is an honest dealer he will. Legally he is under no obligation to do so.

How can you legally carry a handgun in your car in Florida?

Straight from the horses mouth. It’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Can an Illinois drug felon on parole own a car?

yesYou can legally own anything (except for a handgun and body armor) as a felon, even if you're still in prison.

Is a gun under your seat of a car a felony in Tennessee?

If you have a concealed carry permit from Tennessee, or from a state with which Tennessee has reciprocity, no. If you do not, it's a misdemeanor, provided you can legally possess the handgun.

Do you keep licence plates in Texas after selling a car?


What is the penalty for having an unregistered gun in a car in Texas?

As long as you legally possess the gun, none. Texas does not require registration of ordinary Title I firearms.