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Q: Where can you buy parts for a savage model 24 410 22?
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Can you buy parts for a savage model 24 410 22?


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Buy parts for 410 Stevens model 67 pump shot gun.

What is a Springfield model 67 410 shotgun serial boo578 worth and can you buy parts for it?

The Springfield shotgun made by "Savage Arms" company of Westfield Mass. the Model 67F is a slide action (pump) gun it came in several sizes 410, 16, 12 gauge ect. I purchased mine in about 1963 "new" in 410 gauge chambered with 3" shells On one jsut sold for $250.00. I've seen them for sale up to $275.00 For more information check up Savage Arms Corporation

Where can you buy parts for a Sears model 101 2830 .22 rifle?

Basically a Savage Model 63 single-shot bolt action .22. I have some parts for that model.

Where do you buy a Savage model 58b 410 gauge?

Try, or Look under shootguns, bolt action. They pop up from time to time. Bob

Where do you buy a magazine clip for a savage model 4 bolt action rifle?

Numrich Gun Parts. and Posibly Midway USA

Where can you buy parts for a 410 western auto revelation 410 pump?

Check with Numrich gun parts corp.they should be able to help.

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where can I can I buy the fmj double barrel 410 shotgun ? are they still available?

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One can buy parts for a Savage Kimel Kamper KK1 as of 2014 at a few locations. These parts can be purchased through gun retailers, gun auctions, and gun classifieds.

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What is the age and value of a Ranger 20 gauge over and under shotgun Model 103-6 and where can you buy parts for it?

Pre-war Marlin Model 90 as made for Sears. There is some parts availability from used parts dealers. I have some, Numrich has some. 20ga brings more than 12ga, but you are still looking under $400 in top condition. RARE gauges like .410 (in this model) and the .22/.410 combo bring considerably more.