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Q: When was the gattling gun invented?
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Who invented the gattling gun?

The Gatling gun (with one T) was invented by Richard Gatling, for whom it is named.

Is there a gatling gun perk in Call of Duty Black Ops?

There is no gattling gun perk in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The only gattling guns that you can control are: Airdroppable sentry gun at a 6 killstreak (without hardline) Chopper gunner gattling gun at 9 killstreak (without hardline) Death Machine: a gattling gun you can walk around with, randomly acquired from a care package. Ammo is limited. Hope this helped.

What can you use to power an electric gattling gun?

Depends on the gun. It could be electrical power from a vehicle, an airplane, or a battery.

How do you get the gattling gun in custom robo arena ds?

u gotta go to the underground then go to the hotel u will see people talk to them then buy the gun

Before the Battle of Little Bighorn General Custer was offered what weapon that he turned down?

I am pretty sure it was the gattling gun....

Is there a gattling gun on a A 10 Thunderbolt?

Yes, a VERY large one known as the GAU-8. It fires a 30mm diameter bullet.

What are the release dates for Facing the Gattling Guns - 1914?

Facing the Gattling Guns - 1914 was released on: USA: April 1914

What are gattling guns made out of?

Steel and brass.

What country was the gun invented in?

The gun was invented it china

Who invented Gun pwoeder?

Gun POWDER was invented by the Chinese

What types of technology advanced during the civil war?

Automatic weapons (gattling gun), cannon technology, rapid-fire firearms (lever action rifle, shotgun), infantry and calvary tactics.

What year was the first gun was invented?

1115 is when the first gun was invented