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Q: When was the Hopalong Cassidy fishing pole made?
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Related questions

Is it fish pole or fishing pole?

It is a pole for fishing, a fishing pole. To be a fish pole, the pole would have to be made out of fish or it would have to be a pole that a fish uses.

What do Jem and scout use to put note in boos window?

Jem and Scout use a fishing pole to try to place a note in Boo Radley's window.

Is new fishing pole an adjective?

"New fishing pole" is a noun phrase. New is an adjective, fishing is a noun adjunct (gerund or adjective), and pole is a noun.

What a geometric term that describes a fishing pole?

what geometric term describes a fishing pole

What is a tool for fishing?

A fishing pole, bait, and a hook.

What is the name of the big fishing pole?

Fishing Rod?

What is a four letter word for a fishing pole?


What is the nucleolus of a fishing pole?

Fishing poles do not have any nucleolus.

What is Crafty's Pole in World of Warcraft?

Crafty's Pole is a fishing pole that increases your fishing skill by 1000. The "flavor text" on the pole says: "Just holding this fishing pole makes you shiver with excitement. This is possibly the most amazing thing you've ever seen."This item is not available to players in game. Some people have theorized that it is a Gamemasters fishing pole to test fishing in new areas. The link below is to the Wowhead data page for it.

What is good for fishing instead for a fishing pole?

fishing nets are good as long as they are legal

What is fishing rod?

A fishing rod or a fishing pole is a tool used to catch fish,

Where can one find information on pole fishing?

One can find information on pole fishing at websites like Polefishingmagazine, Power-Pole, Gofishing, Fishingwithrod or Catchnature or at any local retailer that sells fishing accessory.