If Ithaca, NY... There is a very accurate bumper sticker that says "Ithaca, NY: 10 sq miles surrounded by reality"
The population of Ithaca, NY is around 30,000, plus about 21,000 students at Cornell University and 6,500 students at Ithaca College.
an Ithaca NY 1911 serial 832480 is a 1942 Colt
how much it cost for a roundtrip bus ticket ffrom suffern, ny to ithaca, ny
New York, NY to Ithaca, NY is approx. 226 miles.
The driving distance from Ithaca, NY, USA to Portland, ME, USA is 430.74mi / 693.2km
The distance between Ithaca, NY and Accra (the capital of Ghana) is about 5,300 miles or 8,500 kilometers.
between 33 and 34 miles
187 miles on NY-17
The address of the Ithaca Clock Museum is: 136 W State St, Ithaca, NY 14845
The distance from Ithaca, NY to Palisades, NY is approximately 200 miles by road. This would take around 4-5 hours to drive, depending on traffic and route taken.