The Savage rifle model 29 was produced from 1929 to 1967. Model 29s in excellent condition sell for as much as $450.
Contact Savage thru their website. If you have a Savage model 99 rifle,then it was made in the year 1924.
If we are talking about a savage model 99 lever action rifle? then it was made by savage in 1939.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Savage model 99 rifle was made in the year 1951.
what year was savage model 1904 serial # 174724 made
If we are talking about a savage model 99 lever action rifle?Then your rifle was made by savage in 1946.
With the serial number that you provided,your Savage model 99 rifle was produced in the year 1946.
1960s. The Savage model 1899 rifle that was chambered in 303 Sav.caliber was made from 1899-1922.The model 1895 Savage lever action rifle in 303 Savage caliber was made from 1895-1899.The last rifle chambered in 303 Savage was the first model of the savage 99 rifle which was made from 1920-1936.The Savage 303 caliber rifles were not made after 1936.So your rifle was made sometime between 1895-1936.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Savage model 99 lever action rifle was made in the year 1910.
Your Savage model 99 rifle was made in the year 1951.
The Savage model 63 single shot .22cal rifle was produced from 1970-1972.
What year was the steven savage model 125 made
With the serial number that you have provided,your Savage model 99 lever action rifle was made in the year 1939.