I would contact Savage arms on there web site for info on your savage model 487T.
If you were able to go to the Savage web site,they should be able to assist you with determining the age of your model 487t.
If we are talking about a Savage model 99 rifle,chambered in 300 Sav. caliber,then your lever action rifle was produced in the year 1949 by Savage arms Company.
I can say that the Savage model 775 was made from 1950-1965.You may want to try Savage Arms companys home page and see if you can get a certain year of production by your serial number.
What year did savage buy out stevens
Your savage model 99 was produced by savage in the year 1929.
Your Savage model 99E was made from 1960-1982 by Savage arms company.As to the exact year of production,you will have to contact Savage directly.
What year was savage model 99 serial number 656801 produced and were was it made. I think it was made in chicopee ma. I am from westfield ma were there is a savage arms company.First lets start with the Savage Arms Co.They began production in Utica NY,in 1894,then moved to Chicopee Falls,Mass.in the year 1946.They moved to there present location in 1960,which is the plant that you have noticed.The serial numbers for the model 99 rifles in the public domain end at serial number 566,000 which was the end of the year 1950.They averaged 38,000 rifles produced a year.By using that method,I would say that your rifle was made in the year 1952,or 1953.for the serial number 628533,the other serial number 656,801,should be 1953-1954.
Your savage 99 lever action in 300 savage caliber was made by savage arms in 1947.
Your Savage was made in the year 1937 if you have a model 99 lever action rifle.
If the gun chambered in 300 savage caliber is a savage model 99 then the rifle was made in 1940 by savage arms company.
no thats what i.m wanting to know