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IJ ceased bicycle production in 1940, due tob the build up for arms due to WWII.

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Q: What year was cycle works removed from Iver Johnson fire arms?
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What is the age and value of Iver Johnson 32 caliber revolver serial J 7537?

see text: Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle works 1871 - 1978

When was an Iver Johnson made?

The company existed with that name from 1871 to 1987. A great source of information on Iver Johnson firearms is the book by W.E. Goforth titled, "Iver-Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Firearms 1871-1993".

Where can you find the publication titled Iver Johnson arms and cycle works handguns 1871 1978?

The book, Iver Johnson's arms & cycle works handguns, 1871-1978 is out of print, but the author of that book, (W.E. "Bill" Goforth) did write another on the same subject called Iver-Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Firearms 1871-1993. This book is published by, and available from Gun Show Books Publishing.

Serial 41079 shot gun information on this gun It is a Iver Johnson cycle works?

no hfbsbfgfdbgjvhdflagbfdghjlahgjfalhgjkhlfdaghflghfiahdglaehgur

What is the age of an old 32 caliber Iver Johnson Bicycle Works top break hammer type revolver?

The company was called Iver Johnson's Arms and Cycle Works from 1891 to 1883. They made top break .32 S&W and .32 Specials from 1892 on. A great source of information on this firearm (and most other Iver Johnson Firearms) is the book by W.E. Goforth titled, "Iver-Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Firearms 1871-1993".

What is the age of an old 32 caliber Iver Johnson Bicycle Works top-break hammer type revolver?

The company was called Iver Johnson's Arms and Cycle Works from 1891 to 1883. They made top break .32 S&W and .32 Specials from 1892 on. A great source of information on this firearm (and most other Iver Johnson firearms) is the book by W.E. Goforth titled, "Iver-Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Firearms 1871-1993".

Who made champion shotgun?

Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle Works made a champion model shotgun.

How can you tell the age of an Iver Johnson gun by the model number?

A Great source of information on this firearm (and most other Iver Johnson firearms) is the book by W.E. Goforth titled, "Iver-Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Firearms 1871-1993".

What year was a Iver Johnson's cycle works 32 cal 5 shot pistal made with serial number 65918 made.?

this might helpi have a handgun from Iver Johnson and cycle works and its a 32 5 shot and the searial is 78565 and the date eched is niv 17th 1908

What is the value of a 16 gauge Iver Johnson arms and cycle works serial number 77461XH?

50-100 USD

Where can you find information about an Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle Works 22 supershot serial number 16080 such as how old it is and any other information?

The .22 Supershot was made from 1929-49. In 100% condition it books at $150. Another source of information on this firearm (and most other Iver Johnson firearms) is the book by W.E. Goforth titled, "Iver-Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Firearms 1871-1993".

What is my Iver Johnson's arms and cycle works 10 gauge shotgun serial number 31128 worth?

I have one also. Did you gen an answer?