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The Germans had many kinds of guns. The average German soldier had a Kar 98 rifle, some others had the Schmeisser Machine pistol, and the beaches were guarded with MG 42 and other machine guns.
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Q: What was the name of the gun that the Germans used for d day?
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Loaded biggest gun ever?

The Railway gun the Germans used to shell Paris in WWII

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Did the Germans have bunkers for D-Day?

The Germans, particularly in Rommel's area - Normandy, had many strong bunkers and gun emplacements. Erwin Rommel was greatly in favor of strengthening the coast.

What weapons did the Germans use on d-day?

The British used a multitude of weapons. Individual soldiers carried the Lee-Enfield .303 rifle, the Bren squad machine gun, the Thompson machine gun, and some varied pistols. The PIAT anti tank launcher and the Mills Grenade were also used.

The biggest gun?

The Paris gun made by the Germans in WWI.

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The Germans used the PanzerFaust (tank fist). It was a disposable anti tank weapon.

What are the main type of weapons used in the ww1?

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Tin is not used in present day gun metal.

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What was the biggest gun the Germans used in World War 2?

Schwerer Gustav and Dora were the names of two huge German railway guns of diameter 80 cm K (E). They were used on the Russian front in the Crimea. Both were destroyed at the end of the war. A smaller railroad gun, "Anzio Annie" is at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. It was used by the Germans at the siege of Anzio, Italy and was captured and restored.

Who first used the machine gun in world war 1?

The Germans and the Austrians were the first to employ the use of the Maxim machine gun in 1914. The British played catch up in this weapon, but soon had thousands of them in the field.