The Savage model 1895 was made from 1895-1899.There were approx.6,000 made during this time span.
1960s. The Savage model 1899 rifle that was chambered in 303 Sav.caliber was made from 1899-1922.The model 1895 Savage lever action rifle in 303 Savage caliber was made from 1895-1899.The last rifle chambered in 303 Savage was the first model of the savage 99 rifle which was made from 1920-1936.The Savage 303 caliber rifles were not made after 1936.So your rifle was made sometime between 1895-1936.
the savage model 1895 was only chambered in 303 savage.All savage model 1899,and model 99 rifles were never chambered in 219 Zipper either.
The last savage model 99,s were made in 1997.these were in 308 for the 300 savage these were made up until the 1960,s.
With the serial number that you have provided,you actually have a very Early made model 1899 Savage rifle chambered in 303 Savage.The serial number indicates that your rifle was made in the year 1900.The first model chambered in 303 Savage was the model 1895,but Savage only made 6000 rifles from 1895-1899.Your serial number precludes this model.They did not make a model 1893 rifle.
The last model 99F was made in the year 1973.
The Stevens model 72 series,of which the model 72L was included,was last produced in 1989.
Savage Model 170. was made fro,m 1970 to 1981
1997/98 time frame.
Your Savage model 46 was made by Savage Arms from 1969-1973.
Your savage model 72 was made during the years 1972-1989.
The Stevens/Savage model 987 was made from 1972-1989.
Your savage model 30F was made by savage/stevens from 1970-1975.