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Q: What states can you kill a turkey with a 22. rifle?
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How can you kill sea rats?

You use a 22. rifle

Can a 22 rifle kill a deere?

Maybe. Depends on where the deer is shot, from what distance. Much more likely to WOUND the deer- which is why in most US states, it is not legal to deer hunt with a .22 rimfire.

Doe a 22 rifle have the power to kill a human?

Definitely Yes.

What is the smallest gun that can kill a deer?

It depends on what you mean. If you mean legally, many U.S. states require a caliber larger than .22 or 223, however, that IS legal in some states. If you mean what caliber will kill a deer, almost any rifle caliber will, but .22 or .223 is questionable, which is why many states prohibit that for deer hunting.

What can 900 fps 22 cal air rifle kill?

Rodents and small game.

Will a 22 air rifle kill a pheasant?

Yes. But I suggest using hunting pellets.

Can a 22 cal air rifle with pba pellets kill someone?

Definitely Yes it can.

What is the biggest thing a 22 rifle will kill?

A .22 rifle can potentially kill animals such as deer or feral hogs with well-placed shots. It is important to ensure responsible and ethical hunting practices when using a firearm for hunting purposes.

What is the biggest game a 22 rifle can kill?

Raccoons and large possums are the largest things.

Can a 22 kill?

That's a very vague question. If you mean a .22 caliber rifle, the techincal answer is, almost anything. It's possible for a .22 to kill almost any animal, it just isn't extremely likely in some cases.

What kind of gun can kill a ferrel cat?

With a properly placed shot, anything from a .22 long rifle on up.

How far will a 22 rifle shoot that will kill something?

Theoretically possible out to a mile. 200 yds would be stretching it though