Depends on the Model of stihl trimmer you have. The 45 home trimmer from stihl takes .080 but from that model to the larger more expensive ones the string size gets larger.
0.080" per 1993 manual
shema motora
0.095" nominally
As the manufacturer sells .065", .080", and .095" string for both the 100 and 150, you can use any of those. If you don't have your owner's manual, you can download a copy if you put in your model and serial number on the server. Need a link? You got it.
The average time a cordless trimmer will operate is about thirty minutes. Of course, this depends on the size of the trimmer compared to the size of its battery, or even the amount of work it has to weed through.
20 in. Bar
Mine is 3/4
The most common size motor in a gas hedge trimmer is a 25 cc motor. More and more of them are being made with 26-27 cc motors.
20 inch upto 25 inch
I have an 034AV Super and it came stock with a 20" bar. An 034 isn't quite as powerful (56.5cc vs 61.5cc), but a 20" bar should still work great on it.
mine uses a Bosch ws7f
.080" is nominal and 0.095 an option