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Q: What round is used in the ak-47?
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Is there any difference between AK47 and AK74 recevier?

yes the ak74 fires a 5.56x45 round the ak47 fires a 7.62x39 round

What size round for AK47?

7.62 caliber

How many bullets in a AK47?

It has a thirty round magizine or a 100 round drum

How much ammo does a ak47 have?

AK 47 magazines can be found in capacities ranging from one single round, to 100 round drum magazines. The "banana" magazines commonly used for military applications are 30 round magazines.

How many rounds are in a ak47?

Its going to depend on the capacity of the magazine that you are using which range from 5 round to big 75 +? round drums

What do people use an ak47 for?

The AK47 is an assault rifle that's mostly used in the military all over the world.

Can 308 ammo fit ak47?

From what i no about ak47's, no. You can get an ak that will shot a .223 round though. <><><><><><><> The AK47 is caliber 7.62x39. The .308 is a much longer (about a half inch longer), more powerful cartridge, with a heavier bullet, and is too long to cycle through the AK action.

Will a AK47 fire a M16 round?

no AK-47 is chambered for 7.62x39mm..... just AK-101 and AK-102 can fire with M-16 round (5.56x45mm)

How the Indian army used there weapon?

Mp5, AK47

Does an ak47 and an ak74 us the same ammo?

No. The AK47/AKM use the 7.62x39 M1943 cartridge. The ammo used by the AK74 is 5.45x39.5.

What would happen if you put a 5.56 round in an ak47?

Most likely not much the 5.56 round's case is 45mm long and the AK-47 round is 39mm long, so the bolt won't close on the 5.56 round.

What are some large weapons that were used in the Vietnam war?
