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the m16 uses 5.56 caliber ammo

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Q: What kind of ammo does an M16 use?
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Sasme as the M16. 5.56x45mm

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Enlist! What better way to get free ammo and GET PAID to shoot your M16!

What are the things on the sides of the M16 ammo pouches?

Hand grenade harnesses.

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46x53 nado

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AR15, M16, M4, Ruger Mini 14

What are the different parts of M16 Garand rifle?

The M16 and the Garand are two completely different firearms. The are made of different materials, work differently, and use different ammo. Please research, reword, and repost your question, or contact me through my message board.

What kind of ammo does a ruger lcp use?

.380 ACP

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It will be printed on the barrel

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45+70 Government

What kind of ammo does mp7 use?

The HK 4.6×30mm cartridge.

Will m16 go through a engine block?

its not the rifle that makes the difference its the ammo an armor piercing round would

What kind of ammo does a model dm-22.22magpistol use?

Take it to a gunsmith for verification.