your Winchester model 1897 which was made in 1956,is selling for between 300-450 dollars depending on the amount of original finish remaining on the wood and metal.
The value of a Winchester model 61 serial number 374 in excellent condition as of 2014 is between 725.00 and 895.00. Guns can be sold through local gun dealers, pawn stores, and gun auctions.
manufactured in 1970. in excellent condition about $300.
300 USD or so
The Winchester 270 1965 model 70, serial number 747048 is valued at $600 in excellent condition. In fair condition, its value is $375. In poor condition, its value is $250.
Approximately 650.00
Manufacture date 1954
Actually your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by Winchester in 1970,with the serial number that you provided.These post-64 made rifles in the condition that you describe are valued at between 275-350 dollars.
Something not right with that serial number. Both my Winchester serial dating sites show the cut off on the model 94 at 5103249.
Your rifle was built in 1953. Excellent condition as far as NRA standards go means you could realistically get $400-425 for it.
The value of a Winchester Model 67A boy's rifle with a 20 inch barrel depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued around 100.00 as of 2014.
Impossible to answer withou a serial number, DETAILED description of all markings, stock, sights, box, papers, accessories.
The value of a Winchester model 1912 pump action 12 gauge shotgun is dependent upon a number of factors. Since it's in excellent condition, the value would be highly dependent on the person interested in purchasing it.