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i paid $310 for my 311a 12gauge if this helps. Depending on condition it should be in the $500.00 - $1200.

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Q: What is value of Stevens model 311a 410 ga savage arms?
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Whats the vaule of 311a savage double barrel?

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What is the value of a Stevens model 311a shotgun?

I also have a Stevens 311A Double Barrell, doubled triggered 12 gauge shotgun made by Savage Arms in very good condition and do not know the age or the value. My gun has a ribbed barrel, but the stock is not walnut. JT 1/19/08

What is the value of a 410 Stevens double barrel shotgun model 311A?

Ijust bought a Stevens Model 311A 12 ga with some wear for $ 130.00. I think that was a good deal

How do you find information on a Stevens double barrel shotgun model 11a made by Savage?

there is a model 311a double barrel shotgun made by Stevens/savage but have not heard of just an 11a. I have a 20ga 311a given to me by my grandpa and he said it was made in the fifties. You can go to Google and type in Stevens model 311 and will pull up information on this shotgun.AnswerRemington made a model 11a but it was not a double barrel it was a semiauto.

How old is a Stevens model 311A 12 gauge?

The original Savage?Stevens model 311 shotguns were made from 1926-1945.The more recent made Stevens model 311 shotguns were discontinued in the year 1989.

How do you determine year of a Stevens model 311A 16 gauge double-barrel shotgun?

The Stevens model 311 was discontinued in the year 1989.You would have to contact Savage/Stevens to get the actual age of your double barrel shotgun.

What is the value of a Stevens model 311A 30 barrel 12 ga.?

$350.00 to $50.00. Condition is everything.

Where can you find a parts diagram for a Savage Arms Model 311A shotgun?

Try Numrich Gun Parts Go to "Start Here" and follow the instructions by selecting manufacturer then model, or go directly to the Stevens/Savage 311A page:

How to date savage Stevens 311a?

a tip-up action single shot pistol

How can you find out when a 311A Stevens Savage Arms Co was made if you cannot find the serial number?

If it has both the Stevens and Savage names on it, then it was manufactured after 1945 and before 1969.

What is the value of a Stevens 311a side by side 20 gauge Savage Arms Corp Westfield MA?

100-400 depending on condtion, accessories, etc..

Who manufactured the sears robuck model 20 12 gauge shotgun?

Savage Arms and J Stevens made the J. C. Higgins sears robuck and company shotgun. If you look on on the right side of it should say Stevens model (whatever model # it has here) like mine says (Stevens model 311A)