The value of a Stevens 335 shotgun would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would be the age and condition of the shotgun.
Depending on condition, average of $100 to $200 in 2012.
The stevens model 335 shotgun was made from 1926-1935,with a total production of 2,000 guns made.
I just bought one at a gun auction for $350.00. However, the forearm was mot attached which lowered the price.
100-300 USD
What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun? What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun?
The Stevens 335 was manufactured from about 1910-1940. There are very few documented Wells Fargo guns and those that have documentation are not conspicously marked with the company name. These were added by an unscrupulous antique dealer wishing to sell a $200 shotgun for $1000.
About $200 in top condition. i dont know but just bought one for 285.00
Start your search at Numrich gun parts corp.They can be found on the web.
The value of Stevens model 124b shotgun is about anywhere from 800 to 1600 dollars depending on the shape of the gun
50-100 USD