It depends on the model, as the Stevens was made in numerous models, and the values can vary greatly!
In order to determine the exact value of a Remington Rolling Block rifle, a few different factors would need to be taken into consideration. Some of these things would be the age and condition of the rifle.
Which model?
Civil War was 1861-65; obviously, the Remington rolling block came out later. Is it a military rifle? What caliber? What condition? All these things affect value. Ranges of rolling blocks are from $550-$4000.
fifteen hundred
Not enough information to even hazard a guess.
Value of a 1907 Stevens Jr 22 calibar rifle
stevens arms co favoite 22 long rifle
10-1000 USD depending on specifics
Lacking any more details; 10-1000 USD depending on specfics
What is the value of a Stevens Arms 22-Long Rifle Pat. 1913.
Depends on which model and condition, condition, and condition....
fifty dollars