Can't be answered without a DETAILED description of ALL markings, barrel length, gauge, sights, stock material, box, papers, accessories, history, finish, overall condition, etc..
100-10000 or more.
.1 cent
This gun does not seem to exist in the Parker Gun Identification & Serialization Book. However guns with serial numbers between 13732 & 17394 were made in 1879.
It would top out at $250 as a mantle decoration. Unless you mean a Parker Brothers shotgun. Then it could be several thousand dollars.
A few hundred to a few thousand.
Parker Moloney was born on 1879-08-12.
George Parker Scarburgh died in 1879.
Between $10 and $5,000. It will depend on the model and condition.
What year is a Parker Shotgun Serial number 126212
A good place to try is
i have a t parker double barrel shotgun im wondering how much it is worth?
Your Parker Bros. shotgun was made in 1925.