If your talking about a 303 Enfield rifel, In poor condition I've seem them go for 150.00 and up to about 400.00.
I was searching for the value of an 1810 enfield percussion musket, the only information I have found was for an 1853 enfield musket valued at $700 (today).
price of a 710 model Remington rifel..
Value is make, model, condition. More information needed to give a value.
20-200 usd
what is the value of a 22 caliber ddaisy rifel with a mag fed at the bottom.
i have a stevens model 34m what is its value looks in excellent condition
Vadim Rifel was born in 1979.
100-1000 USD depending on specifics
50-500 USD
what is the value of a savage 99 rifel serial nunber 514053 300 cal gun
100-1000 USD