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Q: What is the value of an Eclipse double barrel shotgun with double triggers and exposed hammers and the date 1896 scratched into the bottom of the receiver?
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Why is it dangerous to look at the Sun during an eclipse?

Looking directly at the Sun, even during an eclipse, can cause serious eye damage or even permanent blindness. The Sun's intense ultraviolet light can harm the cells in your eyes, leading to a condition called solar retinopathy. It is important to use special solar viewing glasses or indirect viewing methods to safely observe a solar eclipse.

Can certain repeative function jobs cause auto-immune disease?

No. Autoimmune disease develops whem a person has a genetic predisposition and is exposed to triggers. Triggers are not repetitive motion jobs. In lupus, the Epstein-Barr virus has been identified as a trigger. There are other susptect triggers, but research is still being done on them.

What is value of 1920s 12 gauge shtgun with exposed hammers and duel triggers made by J. P. Stevens?

50-125 USD

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Write it Down?

Many people who suffer from migraines also have triggers which contribute to the headaches. When exposed to these triggers, a migraine can start instantly, or shortly following exposure. You can get migraine relief by figuring out your triggers using a headache journal. Write down all food eaten that day and how you feel after. If you have any food triggers, you will begin to see a pattern, such as getting a migraine shortly after drinking alcohol or eating chocolate.

What minerals react with acid only when scratched?

Calcite is a mineral that reacts with acid, specifically hydrochloric acid, only when it is scratched. This test is known as the "acid test" and is commonly used in mineral identification. When calcite is scratched, fresh surfaces are exposed, allowing the acid to react with the mineral.

Is eclipse safe for pregnant womens?

No, not at all. Pregnant women exposed to an eclipse of the moon often have werewolf children, with one big eye in the middle of their forehead, and prehensile tails.Wink.

Is Leonardo DiCaprio in Total Eclipse?

Yes. There are two scenes where he is naked. Yes, he appears to be naked in two scenes. His rear end is exposed.

How much of the moon is lighted by sunlight?

Roughly half of the moon's surface is illuminated by sunlight at any given time due to its orbit around Earth, creating phases like full moon, half moon, and new moon. The portion of the moon that receives sunlight changes as it orbits Earth, causing the phases to cycle.

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In "The Giver," the term "torrent" refers to a sudden, intense flooding of memories and emotions that the Receiver of Memory experiences when receiving them from the Giver. It can be overwhelming and difficult to process, as the receiver is exposed to both joyful and painful memories simultaneously.

How can you determine the model for a Marlin 12 gauge pump shotgun?

If your pump 12 ga. has an exposed hammer, it's most likely a model 1898, as all later models of exposed hammer Marlin shotguns had the model marked on the upper tang behind the trigger. If it is not an exposed hammer, then the model designation is on the bottom, where the receiver meets the mag tube.

Why do some bats have rabies and some don't?

In order to get rabies, an animal has to have been exposed to the disease, usually by being bitten or scratched by an infected animal. Most bats will not have rabies, as an animal that does get infected does not have long to live.