Henry Testot-Ferry was born in 1826.
Sorry no US silver dollar coins dated 1826
Check that coin again. The U.S. didn't mint any $1 coins (in either gold or silver) dated 1826.
around 129 dollars
Please check again and post a new question. The US didn't mint any half dimes dated 1826.
100-1000+ depending on condition, accessories, etc..
1826 - 1735 = 91
Assuming the coin is circulated and still in collectible condition. The 1826 Matron Head Large Cent is a fairly common coin of this series. For a accurate value, the coin needs to be seen and graded. Most show very heavy wear with values of $25.00-$50.00.
Adams died in 1826.
Photography was invented in 1826
1826 is in the 19th century, which runs from 1801 to 1900.
20500 eoros