The value of a Winchester model 12 Featherweight shotgun is dependent upon a number of factors. The most import being the condition of the shotgun.
== == What is the value of 30 caliber Winchester 1894 ?
Your Winchester model 70 featherweight was made by Winchester in 1955.The value of pre-64 featherweight,s are ranging between 800-1200 dollars if the wood stock is in original condition with varnish and checkering in good shape and the metal blueing remaining in 90% coverage on the metal.
I have one
Winchester Model 1882, 32-20 caliber, what is the value good condition
By the serial #.
No such caliber.
The Model 99C is not a Winchester... instead, it was made by the Savage Arms Company.
50-500 usd
The Winchester model 1894 rifle was never chambered in the 30-06 caliber.
50-500 usd
looking for info on Winchester model 280 in a 22 caliber simi-automatic. when made and value of the gun now. Thanks