The value on a model 1894 in that condition would be 275-350 dollars.
100-1000 usd
As for age, it was made in 1972.
I am looking for a fair price to sell this gun
The value of the Winchester model 400 gun varies by its condition. As of 2014 this gun in excellent condition retails for around 400 dollars.
The value of a Winchester model 1300 waterfowl special is determined by the condition of the gun. This particular model can be sold for 500 dollars if in good condition.
$250 and up, depending on condition,markings,and history of the gun.
1972, around $300.
The value of a winchester model 101 all depends on its condition. In poor condition it could be worth $400.00. in excellent mint condition it could be upwards of $2500.
Winchester Model 1882, 32-20 caliber, what is the value good condition
The value of a Winchester model 75 will vary depending on the condition of the gun. There are some of the models worth $1250.00.
The Winchester model 425 was made for Winchester by "Meyer & Grammelspacher" of Germany. The value is determined by the condition of the rifle. without any information about the condition of the pellet rifle, no estimate of value can be determined.