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Q: What is the value of a Smith and Wesson 32 cal Revolver from 1870's serial number 82488?
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What foods were slaves given in the 1870s?

In the 1870s, the Civil War had ended and there were no more slaves in the U.S.

What was the capital of Greece in the 1870s?

The Kingdom of Greece, which operated from 1832-1924, had its capital in Athens during the 1870s.

When was typewriter developed?

in the 1870s

What decade was 1874?

The 1870s.

Can you define a type of inexpensive variety show that became popular in the 1870s?

show that become popular in the 1870s is "Vaudeville" .

Which of these labor organizations formed a political party in the 1870s?

The National Labor Union formed a political party in the 1870s.

What caused an economic depression in the 1870s?

The Panic of 1873 caused an economic depression in the 1870s because banksacross the land closed .

What was one result of the in farm production in the 1870s?

Crop prices went down because of the boom in farm production in the 1870s.

The typical number of hours in a textile factory work-week in the US in the 1870s was?

My folken giant azz penis! Just kidin - about 50!

Who was the government of Canada in the 1870s?


When was opium popular?

1870s and 1880s

What was one of results of the boom in farm productions in the 1870s?

Crop prices went down because of the boom in farm production in the 1870s.