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Q: What is the value of a Ruger security six made in 1979?
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What is the value of a ruger mark you?

No such Ruger ever made

What is the value of a Ruger P-38 pistol today?

Zero. Ruger never made the P38.

What is the value of a Colt 9mm Ruger combat commander 47828?

Colt has never made a 9mm ruger combat commander

What is the value of ruger 22 caliber?

You are aware that Ruger has made .22 caliber rifles, pistols and revolvers? You have to give information to get information.

The value of a ruger rg23?

I do not believe you have a Ruger, but an RG- Rohm Gemeinschaft. Two very different companies. The RG is generally a low value, low quality firearm that was made in Germany. Value is based on condition, but may be $25-$75.

What is the increase in value of a Ruger firefighter marked that it was made in the 200th year of our country?

@ one percent

What is the difference in value between the ruger blackhawk and the security six 357 magnum with a 6 barrel used gun price?

The value of the Blackhawk will be quit a bit higher due to the fact they only made a limited number of them. A person cant really determine the number value with out seeing both weapons

Ruger 1022 bicentennial model?

Yes, Ruger made them

What is the value of a Ruger 44 Magnum blackpowder pistol manufactured with the words Made in the 200th year of?

100-400 USD

What is the value of a Strum Ruger 22 Standard pistol made in 1954 serial?

Impossible to answer without a detailed description and pictures.

Are Ruger rifles made in the US?

Unless I have missed something, All Ruger firearms are made in the USA. Other makers brand forign made guns. But none of Ruger firearms are forign made.

What is the value of a ruger model 999?

None of my references show a Model 999 made by Ruger as a rifle, shotgun, pistol or revolver. Are you sure it is a Ruger, and that 999 is the model number? Please provide some additional info (lie what type of firearm, description) and we will do our best to get you an answer.