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It replaces the 32-20 with a modern straight-wall cartridge. Useful to both carry in the field and use as a self-defense round. I'd like to see it in a lever-action rifle, or a single-shot.

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Q: What is the value of a Ruger 327 caliber revolver?
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What is the absolute value of 327?

Absolute value of -327 is 327.

What is the value if 3.27 in hundredths?

It is: 3.27 = 327/100 * * * * * It is 327 lots of hundredths.

Is there a 328. Calaber gun?

No. There are cartridges close in caliber... the 8mm Lebel rifle cartridge has a .327 caliber projectile, while the 8x56R Mannlicher and 8x59 Breda have a .329 caliber projectile.

Is there any revolver with more than 6 bullet chambers?

Oh my, YES! The Ruger .327 Magnum is a 7 shot, I have four .22 revolvers that are 9 shot- and there were antique revolvers-called Pepperboxes-with HUGE cylinders that held as many as 40 shots. (And my plain clothes weapon is FIVE shot .38 Special).

What firearms are chambered for 327 federal magnum?

Right now there are 2 guns made for this caliber. The first was the

Will the 327 fit in a 32-20 revolver?

DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER PUT AMMUNITION IN A FIREARM IT WAS NOT DESINGEND FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Danger, danger, danger.

Value of 327 in the mod 7 system?

327 Ξ 645 (mod 7) (6 x 72) + (4 x 7) + 5 = 294 + 28 + 5 = 327

Find the value of 327 in the mod 7 system?

the answer is 5

What is the value of 7 in 327?

7 units (ones).

What is the value of the 5 in the number 54 327?

fifty thousand (50,000)

What is the place value of seven in 327 000?

If you mean: 327,000 then the place value of 7 is 7,000 which is seven thousand