$300 to $450 would be average for good condition. A "new in box" condition Overland with external hammers is worth $500 to $700. Like any firearm, it is worth what a buyer is willing to give you for your particular piece.
Try e-gunparts.com
The value of a Amadeo Rossi 16 gauge double barrel gun with the serial number Rg B33753 depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued between 200.00 and 300.00 as of 2014.
Rossi stopped importing them. What was in the 300 dollar range now go for 6-700.00 And they are getting harder to find
About $130 for one in excellent condition.
Standard Blue finish NRA excellent condition $175.00
Rossi is part of Taurus. Contact Customer Service through the Taurus website.
In excellent used condition high retail value will be $250 +/- $35. In poor condition, something less than $100.
Rossi S A 20 gauge 3 modified, number 9101, serial number S20 SP050548 is valued at $150 in good condition. It has a 3 inch chamber and a 28 inch barrel.
In 2012, they typically sell used for $75-$150, depending on condition.
i got mine for 225 in great shape
200-400 USD