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About $75 Dollars Used

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Q: What is the value of a 410 Marlin Model 200 shotgun?
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What is value of marlin 12 gauge shotgun model 200?

100-300 USD

What is the value of a marlin model 42 pump shotgun?

Anywhere from 200 to 500 depending on condition

What is the value of a marlin model 200 12 gauge shotgun?

I just bought one from a private party for $75.

What is the value of a Marlin Glenfield Model 778 12 Ga pump shotgun?

In good working condition $150 to $200

Can a marlin model 200 410 shotgun shoot slugs?


What is the value of a Marlin Model 55 - 12 gauge shotgun?

If your model 55 shotgun is the regular shotgun with a 26in-28in barrel,then it is worth between 30-100 dollars.If it is the marlin goose gun with a 36in barrel they are going for between 90-200 dollars depending on the condition it is in.

What is the value of 12 gauge marlin model 120 magnum serial?

The price range on your shotgun is between 165-200 dollars depending on the amount of finish being between 60%-90%.The Marlin model 120 magnum shotgun was made from 1971-1985.

What is the value of a Marlin Glenfield Model 778?


What is the value of a marlin 12 gauge bolt action shotgun?

50-200 USD

What is the value of a Marlin Model 1898 12 GA Pump shot gun?

Between 140-200 dollars,depending on the overall condition of your shotgun,and a decent bore.

Value of a 22 marlin model 120?

I presume you are asking about a Marlin model 120 pump action shotgun. In good condition a standard 120 is worth about $200-$250. If you are asking about The Revelation model 120 that was manufactured for Western Auto Supply by Marlin, then you are looking at a generic model 60. Worth about $75-$125 dependent on condition.

What is the value of marlin 3030 model 336?

The Marlin model 336 will sell for between 200-350 dollars,depending on overall condition.