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50-125 USD

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Q: What is the value of a 1944 Stevens Model 325 bolt action rifle?
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about 130.00 in very good condition

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i would say between 350 and 600depending on quality of rifle

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Your Stevens model 49 pump action 22cal.rifle will bring between 50-100 dollars on today,s market.

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Your Stevens model 49 pump action 22cal.rifle will bring between 50-100 dollars on today,s market.

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What is the value of your model 1915 stevens 22cal?

value of a model 1915 22 long rifle, snw465 or 466 j stevens arms company

What is value of model 47 30-30 Stevens bolt action?

The value will be between 125-200 dollars for this model of bolt action rifle.These rifles were made between 1928-1945 I believe and are fine first model rifles to be used by new hunters to learn about rifle safety,rifle handling and marksmanship.

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