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It is not possible to state a value for historical items like this generally; you can only state the value of a specific example of the item, and then only if you know what condition the item is in, if you have prove its provenance (origin), and if there is any demand at auction or otherwise for such items. The best answer for your question can be found by browsing for similar items on eBay or other auction Web sites and seeing what those similar items have recently sold for.

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Q: What is the value of a 1917 German Lugar?
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What is a 1917 9mm Lugar worth I has a longer barrel than the standard lugar I assume it to be an artillery pistol?

value depends on overall condition. Pictures help................

How can you get a print out for break down and cleaning for 1917 German Lugan and a 1939 German Lugar rifle pistol?

Try the library, gun shops, book stores

What is the value of German lugar 30 caliber with number 1166 Germany?

value depends on overall condition................

What is the value of a 1915 German Lugar?

Depends on the item's condition and provenance. Check on auction sites for similar items.

Value 9mm 1917 lugar grip marked navy anchor N345 condition 95

100-10000 depending on specifics

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10-10000 USD depending on specifics

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Who was the winner of the German Bundesliga in 1917?

The German Bundesliga in 1917 was suspended due to war.

What is German lugar?

if you actually mean 'luger', it was a pistol used by the germans in ww2

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How many submarines did the German navy have in 1917?

At the beginning of 1917 the German navy had 111 submarines. This was a large increase from 1916 when they had only 68.

Who was the president of Romania in 1917?

In 1917 Romania was a kingdom: the king Ferdinand, of German origin.