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the savage model 99E will bring between 250-450 dollars depending on the overall condition of your rifle.

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Q: What is the value of 308 Win Savage Model 99E?
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What is the year of savage model 99E lever action 308?

The savage model 99E carbine was produced from 1960-1982,in .308Win.caliber.

What is the difference between the Savage 99E 308 win and the Savage 99F 308 win rifles?

The E model was an economy model made from 60-84

What is the value of a Savage Model 99E rifle equipped with a Weaver Scope?

I bought a Savage model 99e in .308 caliber in 2005 without a scope for around $250.00 from a friend. The Gun Trader's Guide lists it in new condition for $402.00 and it was made between 1960 through 1989. Thank you

What is the value of a Savage Model 99E 243 Winchester lever action?


What kind of ammunition do you buy for your Savage 99E 308?

Any Winchester 308 ammunition will work for you.

What is value of savage arms model 99e?

A savage model 99E is valued at between 400-600 dollars based on your rifle having between 60%-90% original finish and a good bore.

What is the age of a Savage Arms model 99E serial number 1056602?

Your Savage model 99E was made from 1960-1982 by Savage arms company.As to the exact year of production,you will have to contact Savage directly.

When was the savage 99E serial c527527 300 caliber manufactured?

The serial number to your Savage model 99E indicates that it was produced in the year 1949.

What is the value of a model 99E Savage 243 cal lever action in good condition?

Serial number 1104295

What is the age and value of a Savage 99E 243?

Savage E99 , serial #516511

What is the letter c in front of the serial number on a savage model 99e?

I believe that the C before the serial number on your savage model 99E means carbine.These would have had a 22in barrel,checkered pistol grip stock,5 shot rotary magazine.they were made from 1960-1982,in 243win,250sav,300sav,or 308 win.

Age and value of savage model 99 ser?

You will need to include the serial number and model(99E,99F,99R,etc.)to get the answer to your question.