Just bought a new one and it is extremely stiff. Not exactly sure what the LBs is, but mine is going to a gunsmith.
Try gunbroker. Pull up Stevens 56.
pull forearm off. open barrel and remove. drift 2 trigger assembly pins out. pull trigger ass. down and out. now drift the barrel catch pin and the lever and catch can be removed.
It is supposed to.
The trigger pull should only be adjusted by a trained gunsmith. Browning does not publish trigger pull weights.
Oh, dude, the Stevens 620 is a pump-action shotgun. So, like, you gotta pump the forend to chamber a round and then pull the trigger to shoot. It's not rocket science, just point and shoot, man.
Load, pump, pull trigger. Pump, pull trigger. Continue until all ammumition is fired. Load, pump, pull trigger, etc..
yes it is called a trigger
The cast of Pull the Trigger - 2009 includes: Heather Needham as Witness
The hammer will be in the cocked position. Nothing will happen until you pull the trigger.
You don't, you squeeze.
Pull the trigger.
pull the trigger