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In current firearms, possibly the .45 Auto. There are older cartridges no longer in production that were slower.

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Q: What is the slowest bullet for a hand gun?
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Why a bullet shot from a gun goes well inside a wooden block but a throw by hand does not?

The bullet out of the gun will be travelling a lot faster, and with a lot more force than the bullet thrown by hand.

Why the gun leans backward when the bullet fire from the gun?

It's the recoil from the force of the bullet being fired. The gun powder pushes the bullet forward and also equally pushes the gun back into your hand.

What is the difference between a rifle and a gun?

Gun can refer to a long gun or a hand gun. A rifle is very particular. It has to have grooved barrel which spin the bullet when it is going down the barrel. This spin action on the bullet makes it more accurate.

What is a 9 MM hand gun?

9mm means the firearm shoots a bullet that is about 9 millimeters wide.

What does the 9 means on 9MM hand gun?

9mm means the firearm shoots a bullet that is about 9 millimeters wide.

What is the thing that holds the bullets outside of a gun called?

Hand, bullet loop on a holster, bandoleer, clip, magazine,

How far can a bullet from a 22 caliber hand gun travel?

About 1 mile, when fired at a 45 degree angle.

Shoot hand gun under water?

Actually, yes you can. It will affect the range of of the bullet and the lethality, and may possibly cause the gun to malfuction, but it can be fired underwater.

What is the slowest gun in the world?


Why does the bullet and gun have different acceleration?

The gun weighs MUCH more than the bullet.

What is the total momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing?

The total momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing is zero, as the gun and the bullet are at rest. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity, and since both the gun and the bullet are not moving, their momentum is zero.

What part makes bullet spin on hand gun?

The rifling in the barrel. These are grooves cut on the interior of the barrel that twist around and cause the bullet to spin as it passes down the barrel. The spin stabilizes the bullet and promotes accuracy.