How do you program trunked radio scanners?
Programming sequences vary from scanner model to scanner model
but the following instructions encompass a basic outline of
programming trunking systems into a scanner:
Determine if you have the proper type of scanner to follow the
type of trunking system you are looking to monitor. Some scanners
will track only analog systems. While other types of scanners will
track analog and digital. So make sure you know the difference and
that your scanner is capable of trunk tracking. Most trunking
systems today are migrating to a protocol called APCO 25 (P25),
which is a digital trunking system.
Enter the program mode by selecting the programming key
Press the TRUNK key and this most likely will bring you to a
section where you will select the system type, Motorola EDACS, LTR,
Motorola 800 TYPE II, APCO 25 (P25) etc.
Once you have selected the type of system to program, then
programming should progress to the next point where you will key in
the systems frequencies. Most trunk systems frequencies can be
located via several online data bases. One popular data base is
RadioReference.Com. Depending on the type of system you are
programming you will key in the frequencies sometimes in sequence
and other times the sequencing will not matter. The important thing
is to identify the type of trunking system and do further research
on that specific system if need be.
Alas, the system type has been selected, the frequencies have
been entered, and now you're ready to start trunk tracking. Press
scan and begin listening.