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Q: What is the max range of ak-47?
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What is the maximum effective range of an AK47?

300 to 400 meters

What is the value of an AK-47 in the US?

A transferable AK47 would be in the 10-25K range.

Is the MP5 better than the AK47?

Not really, if you want to blow a mans arm off, go with the ak47, if you want to raid a house, use a silenced mp5 . Depends on what the environment gives you. Desert/ AK47 Urban/ Mp5 TO ADD TO THAT... the Mp5 is a 9mm gun = weak compared to the 7.62x39mm round of the AK47. The AK47 is deadly in close range, but horrible at long range, only up to 400 meters, but the MP5 can only hit up to 150 meters. Besides the MP5 is a SMG can't really compare it to a assault rifle.---ALEX CHIEM

What is better an ak47 or mp5?

The AK 47 has more range and is more forgiving of battle field conditions.

What is the max range of 357 mag 180 gr bullets 7 barrel?

Max range is about 1000 meters. Max EFFECCTIVE range is around 75-100 meters.

What is the max range of a 300 short mag rifle?

Max range (with no accuracy) is about 4.5 miles. Max EFFECTIVE range will depend on the specific rifle, but is typically 600-800 meters.

How many rounds are in a ak47?

Its going to depend on the capacity of the magazine that you are using which range from 5 round to big 75 +? round drums

What function would you use to find the largest value in a range of cells?

In Excel, you can use the max() function. You can type a range (or several ranges) within the max() function. For a single range, just type: =max( and select the desired range, then type the closing parenthesis.

What is max range for 7.62 x 39 bullet?

The max EFFECTIVE range is between 300 and 400 meters, depending on WHICH rifle is firing it. Total range is about 1350 meters.

How long can an enfield rifle fire?

Max effective range against a point target, about 600 yds. Max range about 2000 yds.

How do you get the ak47 on bad compony 2?

there is no ak47 in bad company 2.

Can you get the AK47 in zombies black ops?

no. BUT there is a Ak47u which is the smaller version of an ak47.