Your Y code serial number indicates that this Winchester model 12 shotgun was made between 1972-1975.
Your serial number dates your Winchester model 1894 rifle to the year 1949.
No serial number - no answer.
The year of manufacture for serial number 3699507 is 1972.
What is year of manufacture of a Browning Shotgun A-5 with serial number 01553NP111?
You will need to include the serial number to get the correct year of manufacture.
No serial number = no way to answer.
To locate the correct serial number for manufacturing purposes, look on the back panel or the motherboard. ?æThe serial number is a series of numbers and letters. the year of manufacture will be part of the serial number, the two?ædigits following the year will be the week of manufacture.
The 2 letters in your serial number identify the year of manufacture for your browning cynergy as 2004.
to secure an accurate manufacture date the FULL serial number is needed.
You have listed the model number of your rifle,not the serial number.
No serial number provided.
Need the serial number to answer.