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Q: What is the length of the m9 pistol?
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What is the barrel length of the M9 pistol?


Which Weapon Condition Code does not apply to the M9 Service Pistol?

Condition 2, does not apply to the M9 Service Pistol.

What caliber is a M9 service pistol?

The M9 is a standard 9mm round. the M9 is actually a .355 caliber

What caliber is the m9 pistol?


What is the length of the beretta 9mm pistol?

Beretta made a LOT of different 9mm pistols. However, if you are asking about the M9 pistol used by the US Army, it is about 8.5 inches long.

Why would one need or want to purchase an M9 pistol?

One would not need to purchase an M9 pistol. One may want to purchase an M9 pistol so they can go target shooting with it. Target shooting is a hobby many enjoy.

What is the height of the m9 berretta pistol?


What is attached to the m9 service pistol?


What calibur is m9 service pistol?

The Beretta M9 utilized 9x19mm rounds (standard 9mm fare).

The M9 pistol with full magazine weighs?


What kind of bullets does the m9 pistol shoots?


What is the life expectancy of the M9 pistol?

15,000 rounds