Muskets have smooth bores and rifles have rifling - spiral grooves to make the bullet spin. Rifles have longer range and better accuracy. Both were originally muzzleloaders, but rifles eventually began to use metallic cartridges.
Length, rifling (sometimes)
The rifles had much better range and accuracy over smoothbore muskets.
They were muskets, knives, cannons, pistols, and rifles. And muskets and rifles are different
No they did not have rifles. They had muskets. They did not have rifles until the late 18th century.
muskets rifles sabers and
Mainly flintlock muskets. There were a few muzzleloading rifles, but many were smoothbore muskets, some shotguns.
· Rifles · Cannons (smoothbore/rifled) · Muskets · Handguns · Bayonets and swords · Rifles · Cannons (smoothbore/rifled) · Muskets · Handguns · Bayonets and swords
rifles,canons,muskets and bayonets
Rifles have spiral grooves cut into the inside of the barrel, known as rifling. Muskets are smoothbore. Rifling causes the bullet to spin in flight, permitting accuracy at long ranges. Also slower to load.
Yes. Muskets, pistols, rifles and shotguns.
muskets, and guns, (pennsilcainians used rifles)
I think they used rifles or muskets im not sure ...