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The Mannlicher-Carcano has a six round internal magazine.

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Q: What is the clip capacity of the Italian Carcano rifle?
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Can you remove the internal clip and put a high capacity clip in a mossberg 308 rifle?

Not economically feasible.

What is the legal capacity for a mini 14 rifle clip in California?

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Where can I find an owners manual for a gardone VT 6.5 caliber rifle?

Unfortunately, we have no idea what rifle you have. Gardone Val Trompia is a town in Italy. It is not a make/ model of a gun. It is possible that you have a 6.5mm Carcano rifle made by Beretta, but without seeing it or knowing the markings, that cannot be determined. As a military rifle, there is no "owner's manual". However, there is information on loading and firing the 6.5 Carcano available. To use as a repeating rifle, there is a stripper clip that must be used to hold the cartridges.

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Does the AK47 Premium AEG Airsoft rifle clip have a wheel?

The high-capacity magazine (not clip) does have a "wheel" allowing you to wind it, which reloads automatically, and usually holds above 300 rounds. Short answer is Yes

Where can you get a bolt assembly for a Marlin 80G?

I have an 80 G rifle but no clip. I would be willing to sell the rifle without the clip.

Did the Henry lever-action repeating rifle actually have 15 shots to a clip?

No, it didn't have a clip.

The capacity of a paper clip?

The exact capacity of a paper clip can vary depending on its size and thickness, but typically a paper clip can hold up to around 20-30 sheets of paper securely. However, trying to exceed this limit may cause the paper clip to bend or lose its grip.

Clip Bullets Sniper Rifle?

What are you trying to ask?

What ammo is used in a Romanian 22 cal st alb bolt action clip fed rifle?

Magazine fed, not clip. And it's .22 Long Rifle.

How can you find 22 Long Rifle clips for a Stevens 87A rifle?

check cabelas that's where i found a spare clip for my rifle

What is the value of a Stevens savage model 64F?

Did you mean Svage Arms model 64F? A semi-automatic, .22 LR rifle with a 10 round capacity magazine clip? If so, the price is about $150 in the U.S; and $170 in Canada. That is a great rifle, well worth the money; I had one for about two years and it still works like new. Did you mean Svage Arms model 64F? A semi-automatic, .22 LR rifle with a 10 round capacity magazine clip? If so, the price is about $150 in the U.S; and $170 in Canada. That is a great rifle, well worth the money; I had one for about two years and it still works like new.