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Q: What is the best pistol to use to kill yourself?
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What does execute with a pistol mean?

Either to kill with a pistol or hit said target with a pistol. It basically means use a pistol.

What did John w booth use to kill Lincoln?

He used a pistol to kill Abraham Lincoln

What did princip use to kill Ferdinand?

A Browning M1910 .32 caliber automatic pistol

What kind of pistol did Hitler use for suicide?

Look it up yourself, it was a Walther PP..a similar model used by James Bond

In Fable 2 what is the best gun to use on the shooting range to get the red dragon pistol?

I did it with the steel turret pistol, DON'T use a crossbow!

What kind of gun did john Wilkes booth use to kill lincoln?

He used a Derringer pistol.

What type of pistol did Vincent Van Gogh use to kill himself?

He used a revolver with bullets in it NOT DAISIES!

What weapon did he use to kill himself?

He used his own Walther PPK pistol. For a frame of reference, it's the same small pistol that James Bond uses in the movies.

What is the best ammunition for a 357 pistol?

You will have to tell us what you want to use it for.

Did booth use a pistol to kill Lincoln?

The weapon used by John Wilkes Booth to kill President Abraham Lincoln was a Philadelphia Derringer pistol/dagger. The weapon was a small sized pistol that could be concealed in a pocket.

What is the best 22 caliber pistol?

You will have to provide the end use for the pistol for anyone to even begin to try to answer this question. Also, your budget.

What did the black hand gang use to kill Franz Ferdinand?

A Browming M1910 .32 caliber automatic pistol